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Upgrade from Facebook Account Kit to Telesign

Account Kit is Gone, Now What? If you are a developer or the business owner of a web property, you have long been aware of the importance of verifying your users using multifactor authentication (2FA) to keep both your platform and your users safe. A popular way to do this has been to utilize Facebook’s

SIM Swap: The Gateway Hack

Telesign to offer SIM Swap protection in US, Canada, UK, Nigeria, South Africa, France and Australia You’ve probably heard of the term ‘Ô’gateway drug.’ It’s a piece of escalation theory that states that someone who tries alcohol, tobacco or some other minor drug will sooner or later be addicted to crack. It’s generally used as

What is RCS and What Does it Mean for the Future of A2P Messaging?

An excerpt from my softball group chat from this past weekend… What day is the game this week? What’s up with the green texts John? I got a new phone! John, you low-born scum, you’ve ruined the group chat. Ugh, we can’t even kick him out now.” “You’re off the team, peasant. A classic phone-shaming

SIM SWAP: The Ultimate Con

America loves a good con. Think of some of most beloved movies of all time: Catch Me If You Can, The Sting, Ocean’s 11. White Men Can’t Jump took place on the Venice Beach basketball courts, right in Telesign’s backyard. The point is we love a suave, fast talking, good looking anti-hero that pulls off

Telesign and RapidAPI: A Match Made in Heaven

By this point you are aware that Telesign has the greatest APIs in the world. Our mobile identity, communication and verification products are among the most popular in the world. And with our RCS API launching in less than a week it’s a very exciting time here at Telesign HQ. But what you might NOT

Stop Account Takeover Using Two Factor Authentication

Do you want to do something terrifying? Ok. Click here to find out if your passwords are floating around on the internet.They probably are. Mine are. Thanks to major security breaches by both Ticketfly and Coachella my personal email address and the passwords I used for those accounts are all over the internet, waiting for

7 IVR Use Cases for Banks

It’s no secret that interactive voice response (IVR) systems can save banks time and money. An IVR is a system that allows a customer to choose from a menu of automated prompts in order to be routed to the best place to answer their questions (it could be an agent, or additional automation). You can

Verify COD Orders With Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Cash on delivery (COD) enables internet retailers to offer their customers the option of paying for ordered goods upon delivery, rather than in advance through the online ordering process. This method may sound outdated or even aggressively 90’s (they’re back by the way!) but while North America has moved away from COD recently, the rest

13 Times Customers Super Appreciate Being Sent an SMS

It’s no secret: businesses can be leery of using SMS messaging to reach customers. Texts can come across as salesy or spammy if not executed properly, so it’s time to drop the advertising speak in these micro messages and provide information your customers appreciate. Knowing your pizza will arrive in less than ten minutes is

Master Class: Stacy Stubblefield Teaches the Power of Mobile Identity

Meet Stacy Stubblefield. Stacy is a digital entrepreneur, security and telecoms expert, and the Chief Innovation Officer and Co-Founder of Telesign. Stacy is a frequent speaker at events around the world, including Mobile World Congress, SXSW, API World, Developer Week and more, where she helps educate and advance techniques around preventing fraud and increasing user

How To: Build Your Own SMS Doorbell

Maybe your house is too loud for you to hear the front door bell. Maybe it’s too big. Maybe you wanted a fun way to get acquainted with Telesign’s SMS API – P.S., learn how to send SMS to customers here. Any which way, we’ve got you covered with today’s project, an SMS doorbell. Rig a