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Upgrade from Facebook Account Kit to Telesign

Telesign Team
Telesign Team
January 10, 2020
account kit blog

Account Kit is Gone, Now What?

If you are a developer or the business owner of a web property, you have long been aware of the importance of verifying your users using multifactor authentication (2FA) to keep both your platform and your users safe. A popular way to do this has been to utilize Facebook’s popular Account Kit…until now. Account Kit is in the midst of a shut down. We’re going to tell you what you need to know and what to do next to keep your platform safe and secure.

Account Kit Timeline

  • As of September 9th, 2019 no new apps were able to integrate with Account Kit. Existing integrations continued to function as normal.
  • On December 9th, 2019 the daily SMS limit will be reduced to 1,000 messages per app ID per day. Looking at a general verification use case, this means 1,000 one-time passcode SMS messages per day in a standard 2FA sequence.
  • On March 9th, 2020 Account Kit will be deprecated and no longer function. Business owners will be able to retrieve their app’s user data for an additional 90 days until June 9th, 2020. After that Account Kit will be completely dead.

What to do Next

Telesign is the pioneer in phone-based verification and we have been supporting 21 of the top 25 global web properties for years. Telesign’s flagship verification solution provides a safe, GDPR and CCPA compliant alternative to Account Kit that can scale effectively worldwide. Our team of experts has decades of experience protecting customers from the start-up level all the way to enterprise. By partnering with Telesign, your business cannot only replace Account Kit’s functionality, but upgrade with a variety of new features designed to keep your users safe and secure. Telesign is also happy to offer world-class 24×7 support available to you at no extra charge. A recent Google study showed that turning on 2FA for your business blocks 100% of bot attacks and 99% of bulk phishing attacks. Additionally using phone-based verification increases mobile registration conversions and delivers a seamless onboarding experience. More sign ups lead to more revenue for your business.

Contact Telesign today to speak with one of our experts that can assist in your transition from Account Kit to Telesign. And don’t worry, if you are just now learning about the importance of user verification and need a brand new solution, we can help you too.”