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Alphanumeric sender ID

What is an alphanumeric sender ID?

An alphanumeric sender ID is a custom text string that is used to identify the sender of an SMS message. Unlike a numeric sender ID, which is a phone number, an alphanumeric sender ID can be any combination of letters and numbers, up to 11 characters in length. This type of sender ID is often used by businesses and organizations to brand their SMS messages and increase the recognition of their brand among their customers. 

Examples of alphanumeric sender IDs: 

  • “MyBusiness” (11 characters) 
  • “123GO” (6 characters) 
  • “TXTALOT” (7 characters) 

What are the benefits?

There are several benefits to using an alphanumeric sender ID for SMS messaging: 

  • Brand recognition: An alphanumeric sender ID can help businesses and organizations increase their brand recognition by using their company name or a recognizable phrase as the sender ID. This can increase customer trust and loyalty, as well as improve the chances of the message being read. 
  • Professionalism: An alphanumeric sender ID can give a more professional appearance to SMS messages, as it is clear that the message is coming from a legitimate business or organization. 
  • Improved deliverability: SMS messages with a recognizable sender ID are more likely to be delivered successfully, as they are less likely to be flagged as spam or blocked by carrier filters. 
  • Better response rates: Using a recognizable sender ID can also improve response rates, as customers are more likely to respond to messages that they recognize and trust. 
  • Increased message length: In some countries, using an alphanumeric sender ID can allow for longer message lengths compared to numeric sender IDs, which are limited to 11 digits. 

How do I get an alphanumeric sender ID?

To get an alphanumeric sender ID, you need to work with an SMS service provider that supports this feature. Once you have an account with an SMS service provider, you can request an alphanumeric sender ID and they will provide you with the necessary instructions to set it up. Please note that not all countries support alphanumeric sender IDs, so it’s important to check with your SMS service provider to see if it’s available in your region. 

Which countries support alphanumeric sender IDs?

Alphanumeric sender IDs are supported in many countries around the world, but the specific availability can vary depending on the local regulations and carrier requirements. As of 2021, some of the countries that support alphanumeric sender IDs include: 

  • United Kingdom 
  • Australia 
  • Germany 
  • France 
  • Spain 
  • Italy 

The availability of alphanumeric sender IDs may change over time, so this is not an exhaustive list. It’s always best to check with your SMS service provider for the latest information. In all, an alphanumeric sender ID is a custom text string used to identify the sender of an SMS message. You can obtain an alphanumeric sender ID by working with a SMS service provider that supports this feature, and its availability may vary by country.