Dedicated Short Code Registration
Register DSCDedicated Short Codes
Recently, the major U.S. carriers have announced new restrictions for sending SMS in the U.S. U.S. carriers plan to deprecate shared short codes. A shared short code is a 5-6 digit number managed by Telesign which carries traffic from multiple customers. Carriers are now requiring each brand to obtain their own dedicated senderID, meaning a shared short code managed by Telesign will no longer be possible. Therefore, all existing shared short codes are now required to register as one of the following:
- Toll Free Numbers – enterprise or standard customers, registration above
- Dedicated Short Codes (DSCs) – enterprise only, click for registration and more info
- 10DLCs (10-Digit Long Codes) – enterprise only, click for registration and more info
To help ensure continuous delivery of SMS, please begin the Dedicated Short Code registration process by completing the “DSC Registration” form at the button above. Once the completed form is received, our teams will begin the registration process with the operators on your behalf. The registration time may vary depending on the campaign.
For more information you can read the “10DLC QA” or see the comparison chart below. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and assistance throughout this process.
Outbound: Yes
Outbound: No
Outbound: No
Dedicated Short Code Registration
1 Download the request form for the appropriate country using the buttons below
2 Share an answer for each item on the checklist.
3 Email [email protected] the completed answers to the checklist along with the following:
If you currently manage and pay for the lease of your own short code, please attach your SC lease receipt to this email.
Screenshots of the web opt-in flow and/or keyword opt-in flow