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How Do We Detect a Number From a SIM Farm? There’s an API for That!

As pretty much everyone today carries a smartphone at all times, they also carry a potential target on their back. SIM farm scams are taking aim at mobile phone users, and the problem isn’t going away anytime soon. Here’s how the SIM farm scam works. Fraudsters buy thousands of SIM cards, activate them and then

Know Your Customers in India

What do you know about your users? The answer is not enough. Never enough. Talk to any executive at any company and they will tell you they want to know more. Ecommerce platforms want to strengthen authentications and enable more secure transactions. Fintechs are looking for identity solutions that provide insights into good vs bad

Burning Down the House: How Prepaid Phones Are Dominating Fraud

Whether you know it or not, you have crossed paths with a burner phone before. Perhaps you were trying to purchase aftermarket tickets to a concert or received a call from a strange number in a phishing scam. Maybe you just walked down the aisle at the convenience store where they are sold. Regardless, burner