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Pay your pals, not fake users. How fintech protects consumers from fraud

Recently, there has been a barrage of news and reports surrounding large companies and their problems dealing with fake users plaguing their platforms. From Twitter to dating apps, this problem won’t seem to go away. And now the fintech world is in the spotlight (and likely wishing they weren’t). According to PayPal CFO John Rainey,

On-demand on the run: Will bulk fake accounts drive away good customers?

When it comes to on-demand services, the goal is to simplify everyday tasks, making people’s lives more convenient. With the ability to order food, a ride, or a health appointment in minutes, consumers are increasingly trusting digital businesses to provide fast, reliable service securely and effortlessly. But with fraud on the rise, on-demand services have

The FluBot attack: A preventative guide to fast-spreading malware

We’ve often thought of malware and cyberattacks as something aggressive and commanding. However, sometimes the malware is deceptive, slowly gaining control of a system and becoming a dangerous threat. This type of threat is much more devastating, as it can go unchecked for longer. FluBot is malware that deceptively attacks Android smartphones. Many people have

‘Tis the Scammy Season

Here are some tips for secure online shopping this season: If you’re suspicious about a sale, reach out to the retailer directly. Be a wise shopper this season and only shop the real sales.